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Thessaly Road Railway Bridge

Public Realm Proposal


Following our Stage 2 short-listing, and in response to London Festival of Architecture’s call for improvements to the Thessaly Railway Bridge underpass in Wandsworth, we proposed the tallest periscope in London at the Ascalon St. entrance of the underpass, balanced by a Camera Obscura/ Kaleidoscope at the St. George’s School entrance. These powerful markers were to be combined with tiled friezes by fine artist, Mary Evans, within the underpass and complimented by enhanced lighting, elegant decorative tile accents and a sequence of directional floor markers between Ascalon St. and Corunna St. Our playful interventions act as landmarks; revealing, celebrating and, better connecting what is often hidden in plain sight (even from the commuters travelling above).

This project was carried out in collaboration with architecture firm, ArchitectureDoingPlace, arts organisation, WriteTalkListen and visual artist, Mary Evans.

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